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Guimo is an impressive looking game which seems to have a lot of promise, but the actual gameplay is a bit lacking. In … VIEW

Jungle Jack

Views: 9,6831990SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Jungle Jack is a Pipe Dream / Pipe Mania clone where the objective is to make a path for the water to travel to its … VIEW

Blind Maze

Views: 12,4511989SharewareAction Soleau Software
Blind Maze is one of the MANY games by William Soleau of the eponymous Soleau Software. This is a maze / action game … VIEW


Views: 20,6991985FreewareAction Derek Williams
Striker is an arcade-style helicopter shooting game, with CGA graphics and five missions to complete. It's somewhat … VIEW


Views: 10,8401992SharewareAction Wunderware
Vendetta is a shooting gallery style game where your goal is simple: Shoot all of the gangsters (?) that pop up into the … VIEW

Outlaw 97

Views: 13,3031994SharewareAction Sandbird Software
Outlaw 97 is a visually-upgraded remake of the Atari 2600 game "Outlaw". Two players choose their fighters from a Street … VIEW

The Blues Brothers

Views: 27,7821991DemoSidescrolling Titus Interactive
The Blues Brothers, a game based on the Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi Saturday Night Live comedic duo, is a platforming … VIEW

Willy the Beer Varmit's War

Views: 9,5601994SharewareSimulation / Strategy Dan's Software
Willy the Beer Varmit's War is not really as interesting as it's title suggests. Sorry if you were lured in here by its … VIEW


Views: 12,7071993FreewareAction John Dow
Pssst! was originally developed for the ZX Spectrum back in 1983. Ten years later, John Dow ported it to MS-DOS PCs and … VIEW

Billy the Kid Returns!

Views: 16,7391990Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling Alive Software
Billy the Kid, based on the wild west outlaw of the same name, mixes different genres together into different episodes. … VIEW

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