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Views: 15,7011997SharewarePuzzle Webfoot Technologies Inc
Bluppo is a puzzle/action game, a Boulderdash clone that has an underwater theme. That's pretty much all you need to … VIEW

Death by Dark Shadows

Views: 15,8211994SharewareSidescrolling SoftLab Laboratories
Clearly inspired and modeled after the Prince of Persia series of games, Death by Dark Shadows is a competent entry into … VIEW

Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood

Views: 15,5311985Full versionAdventure Al LoweSierra On-Line
Winnie the Pooh is a classic children's character, and he along with all of his friends is here to discover. This game … VIEW

Bipbop III

Views: 14,0771993FreewareBall & Paddle S&M Software
Bipbop III is the final game in the Bipbop trilogy. It was lost to the world until Ross Scott from Ross' Game Dungeon … VIEW

Hugo III: Jungle of Doom

Views: 30,7881992Shareware (Full version available)Adventure Gray Design Associates
The third and last game in the Hugo series which began with the much more widely-known Hugo's House of Horrors. This … VIEW

Hugo 2: Whodunit?

Views: 24,3101991Shareware (Full version available)Adventure Gray Design Associates
The second of the trilogy of "Hugo" graphical adventure games, this game keeps the same style as the first but takes a … VIEW

Beasley's Deathtrap

Views: 18,3241993FreewareAdventure ComiX
Ever wanted to play a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type game, except you're looking for a game that insults you all the … VIEW


Views: 14,8081993SharewareAction Peter HinzHomebrew Software
Dschump (according to the docs, it's pronounced "jump" and is sometimes simply referred to as Jump?) is an interesting … VIEW


Dreamweb is an unusual fully overhead perspective graphical adventure game. This dystopian future game has you playing … VIEW

Theme Hospital

Theme Hospital (1997) is the second in the "Theme ..." series of games following Theme Park in 1994. As you might … VIEW

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