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Ultris: The Ultimate Tetris

Views: 11,3731992SharewareTetris Style David Pritchard
Ultris is a more impressive package than it first appears. Described by the then-14-year-old author as "The Ultimate … VIEW


Views: 13,3232015FreewareSidescrolling Toni Svenström
MagiDuck is an interesting platforming game starring, yes, a magical duck. It uses a special tweaked CGA mode (40x25 … VIEW

The Lost Clown

Views: 10,7441993SharewareSidescrolling Stephen Walther
The Lost Clown is what you might call a "strategic platformer." While it looks and generally plays like a typical action … VIEW


Views: 15,8791991SharewarePuzzle Oscar Daudt Neto
Ungaria is a simple but unique and well-made puzzle / strategy game. It has the curious subtitle "The millennial magyar … VIEW

Putt-Putt Joins the Parade

Putt-Putt Joins the Parade is the first in a long series of Putt-Putt games which are still being released over 20 years … VIEW


Views: 14,6751997FreewareTraditional (Board Games) Dodgy Posse
Bog is a PC version of the popular board game Boggle. In the game you find words hidden within the 5x5 grid of letters. … VIEW

Elevators from Hell

Views: 13,5391992SharewareAction John Shramko
The elevators in the game Elevators from Hell are actually quite normal. They aren't evil in any way. It's the robot … VIEW

Klass of 99

Views: 19,8051999FreewareAdventure Richard JordanRetroSpec
Klass of 99 is a remake / update of a classic ZX Spectrum Skool Daze and Back To Skool games from the 1980's. You play … VIEW

Tennis Elbow

Views: 21,6911997DemoSports Mana GamesGOTO Software
Tennis Elbow is a tennis simulation / arcade game which allows you to play computerized tennis in a semi-3D environment. … VIEW

Avoid the Awful Thing that Vaguely Resembles a Banana!!

Avoid the Awful Thing that Vaguely Resembles a Banana!! (!) is likely the winner of the longest name of any game on this … VIEW

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