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Views: 22,9371995Demo3D Shooting Capstone Software
Witchaven is a fantasy-themed FPS that was soundly outclassed by the Heretic (and later Hexen) series of games. Although … VIEW

Tomb Raider

The game that made Lara Croft a virtual star, and launched the entire series of Tomb Raider games. The game may seem … VIEW
Tags: fps  shooter  3d

Thor's Hammer

Views: 22,0221996Full version3D Shooting Escape ProgrammingMVP Software
A unique hybrid action/RPG game that features a DOOM/Hexen-like 3D engine. This has all the usual RPG elements (wizards, … VIEW

Terror In Christmas Town

Views: 16,7151995Shareware3D Shooting Michael Zerbo
Ever felt the need to rescue a kidnapped elf who has been captured by a evil polar bear? No, me neither. Yet, in … VIEW

The Terminator: Future Shock

Views: 35,2541995Demo3D Shooting Bethesda Softworks
Terminator: Future Shock was a game that probably never got the attention it deserved when it was released. As showcased … VIEW
Tags: 3d  fps  shooter  scifi  terminator

Terminal Velocity

Views: 29,5421995Shareware (Full version available)3D Shooting Terminal Reality3D Realms
It takes a little while to get used to, but this flying/shooting game (sort of like Decent, but more out in the open) … VIEW
Tags: 3d  fps  shooter  space  flying

William Shatner's Tekwar

Views: 29,4471995Demo3D Shooting Capstone Software
William Shatner's Tekwar is a game based on the series of books written by Captain Kirk himself. Or rather the actor … VIEW

Strife: Quest for the Sigil

Strife is one of the best 3D shooting game's that you've likely never heard of. This demo version showcases some of the … VIEW
Tags: 3d  fps  shooter

Spear Of Destiny

Views: 31,8891992Demo3D Shooting iD SoftwareFormGen
A sequel of sorts to Wolfenstein 3D that was released by Formgen as a retail only game (not shareware like Wolf3D) this … VIEW

Shadow Warrior

Views: 55,4021997Shareware (Full version available)3D Shooting 3D RealmsGT Interactive
Created using the "Build" engine (the same software the Duke Nukem 3D was created with), Shadow Warrior was largely … VIEW
Tags: 3d  fps  shooter  asia  buildengine

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