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Paratrooper Bob

Views: 7,4171994SharewarePuzzle Doug and Larry MurkSoleau Software
Paratrooper Bob is one of the Soleau Software games that was not created by William Soleau himself. This is a puzzle … VIEW

Space Spirals

Views: 6,7231989SharewareAction Alan Anderson
Space Spirals offers a different perspective on the classic Missile Command arcade game. In this game your goal is to … VIEW

Ball Blaster

Views: 7,8001997FreewarePuzzle Chris Haag
The documentation for this game notes that is "Inspired by Bust-A-Move by Taito, Inc." That's nice of the author to … VIEW

Strategist Checkers

Strategist Checkers is a perfectly serviceable game of checkers you can play on your PC. The interface use the mouse, so … VIEW

Falcon 3.0

Falcon 3.0 is a F-16 flight simulator game that sold over 700,000 copies by the end of the 90's. As you might expect, it … VIEW


Trolls has a lot going for it, including color graphics, a Soundblaster soundtrack, and classic Sonic-esque gameplay … VIEW

Munch Man

Views: 12,1971996Full versionClassic Inter-Active Arts
Munch Man is a Pac-Man clone that does some things right and others wrong. The basic gameplay is the same, gobble the … VIEW
Tags: classic  pacman


Views: 8,8671999FreewarePuzzle Twinsen
Sokoland is a version of the classic Sokoban game which includes the 50 levels from the original game, as well as a … VIEW


Views: 7,1201996FreewarePuzzle DIGITAL Nightmares
Swapper is a simple puzzle game where you attempt to match up colored tiles. You "swap" a tile with a tile beside it, … VIEW

Alien River

Views: 10,6632017FreewareSimulation / Strategy 7t7 Studios
Alien River is a simple text-mode game where the object is to explore a crashed alien space ship. To do so you must work … VIEW

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