Views: 2,3161994SharewareSpace Shooting
Vivvid Technologies
BattleStar is an arcade-like game that is probably quite similar to an arcade game or Atari 2600 game that I can't … VIEW
Moraff's Flygame
Views: 1,9671991FreewareAction
Moraff's Flygame barely qualifies as a game. However, since it was created by Moraffware, the author of a large quantity … VIEW
Sonic the Hedgehog
Views: 8,2682000FreewareSidescrolling
SKON / VirtualDreams Productions
Sonic the Hedgehog is an unlicensed fan-made demo of a pretty well-made Sonic engine for DOS. This is not emulated; it's … VIEW
Legend of Lezda, The: The Adventure of Jinx
Views: 4,0141997FreewareRole Playing (RPG)
HPC Gameshop
The Legend of Lezda: The Adventure of Jinx is a strangely named Zelda inspired game which barely exists on the Internet. … VIEW
Wrath of Earth
Wrath of Earth is a fairly obscure FPS with a sci-fi theme. It bears similarities to the Apogee FPS Blake Stone as well … VIEW
Views: 1,9411993SharewareTetris Style
Tetrolis is a Tetris clone that really doesn't want to mention Tetris. The docs describe it as though it's an innovative … VIEW
Views: 1,7521997FreewareTetris Style
Reinier van Grieken
DiceDrop is a rare game, re-discovered by the author in his personal archives and now available for the world to play! … VIEW
Views: 2,0341988SharewarePuzzle
Raymond M. Buti
Suju is a word-deciphering game. You're presented with four mixed-up words and you need to figure out what they are. … VIEW
Views: 2,1931990FreewareAction
Everett Kaser Software
TigerFox is a game by Everett Kaser, who is well known for his DOS and later Windows puzzle / strategy games. This is a … VIEW
Views: 2,5991990SharewareSimulation / Strategy
Wizard Games
Greyhound is a textmode simulation of greyhound dog racing. Choose which of the dogs in your kennel you want to enter … VIEW