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Bob's Fury

Views: 14,7262014FreewareSidescrolling Sparcie
Bob's Fury is a platforming game made by a then-14-year-old programmer in QBasic after playing games like Xargon and … VIEW

Fruit Salad

Views: 13,8381996SharewarePuzzle Vintage Software
Fruit Salad is a Bust-A-Move (Puzzle Bobble) clone that replaces colorful orbs with fruit-like balls instead. The result … VIEW

Tempest 2000

Views: 23,0231996DemoClassic Atari
Tempest is a vector-based action / shooting arcade game that was released in 1981. Your ship rotates around the tubular … VIEW

Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?

After the runaway success of the original release of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? software developer … VIEW


Views: 11,6512001FreewarePuzzle Ian Price
Boulderdash is a game that, for whatever reason, has inspired legions of clones over the years. I am not personally a … VIEW


Views: 12,0161993SharewareBall & Paddle Jason Truong
Truoid is a Breakout / Arkanoid clone with decent graphics and a good selection of levels, but somewhat punishing … VIEW


Views: 11,9781989FreewarePuzzle L. Scott Emmons
Autobots has nothing to do with Transformers, so you won't find Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, etc. Rather this is … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  random  robots  cga

Hank's Quest: Victim of Society

Views: 15,0612002FreewareAdventure Femo Duo Entertainment
Hank's Quest: Victim of Society is described by the authors as being "A whole new adventure-game in that 'Classic Sierra … VIEW


Views: 8,3351995FreewareTraditional (Board Games) ECLIPSE
Poof is a DOS version of the "Peg Solitaire" game which you may have played before on a wooden board using pegs or … VIEW


Views: 23,5771990DemoAdventure LucasArts
Loom is one of the classic early Lucasarts graphic adventure games. It is available here as part of a Lucasarts … VIEW

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