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Zool ("Ninja of the 'Nth' dimension") is a colorful platforming game with prominent product placement for Chupa Chups … VIEW

Vampyr: The Talisman of Invocation

Vampyr is an RPG with EGA graphics that is set squarely in the mold of the Ultima CRPG games. Developed in one summer by … VIEW

The Fourth Generation

The Fourth Generation (aka 4th Generation or 4th Gen) is a horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up with pre-rendered … VIEW

Robots from Hell

Views: 11,3911989FreewarePuzzle William R. Voss
Robots from Hell is a simple puzzle / strategy game where the object is to make it to the exit while avoid the "killer … VIEW

Mortal Kombat 3

This demo pre-release version of Mortal Kombat 3 allows you to play as either Jax or Sheeva in a 1-player vs computer, … VIEW

Moraff's Monster Bridge

Views: 10,2491992SharewareTraditional (Board Games) MoraffWare
Moraff's Monster Bridge is a trump-based card game ("a distant relative of Bridge") set in the same world as Moraff's … VIEW

Denarius Avaricius Sextus

Views: 14,3961992SharewareAdventure Thorsoft of Letchworth
Denarius Avaricius Sextus is a relatively unknown graphic adventure game along the lines of King's Quest or Secret of … VIEW

688 Attack Sub

688 Attack Sub is a submarine simulation game, taking place during the cold war era. The player can perform various … VIEW

Dig It!

Views: 17,6211996SharewareSidescrolling Pixel PaintersSpringsoft
Dig It! is a platforming game that seems more aimed at children, but still provides a decent amount of gameplay and … VIEW

Space Adventure

Views: 11,1741988FreewareAction Fireball Software
Space Adventure is a exploration based shooting game that was originally released for the BBC Micro, and ported … VIEW

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